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Metro Vancouver Same Day Delivery & Shipping Quotes Available During Canada Post Strike
Metro Vancouver Same Day Delivery & Shipping Quotes Available During Canada Post Strike
Stop the Vape Flavour Ban in Canada

Stop the Vape Flavour Ban in Canada

Please follow these 3 steps to help

Save Vape Flavours in Canada

Link to website:

1) Fill out your Name, Email, Province, City, and Postal Code.
2) Pick 3-5 topics that concern you about the flavour ban. 
3)  Copy and paste the generated the letter into the email body (follow icon) and hit send. The email addresses of MPs and government officials will already be pre-populated in their email by the R4V tool. 



Letter from Rights4Vapers

The time is now. 

In 2021, over 20,000 thousand Canadians told Health Canada that they opposed a flavour ban.  However, the current Minister of Health Mark Holland has stated many times on the record, that politicians should decide what flavours you need to stay smoke-free. 


Minister of Health Mark Holland and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Saks both need to hear from YOU why taking away flavours from vaping is not right! 

The team at Rights 4 Vapers with the help of the Independent Vaping industry have created this tool to help you compose a letter to them. 

Head over to follow the prompts, and boom! Your letter will be mailed to them. 

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Established in 2014

Celebrating 10 Years!

Celebrating 10 Years!

Thunderbird Vapes opened in November 2014 becoming Vancouver's 5th vape shop! From box mods and drippers to disposables and pod systems, over the last decade there have been major changes in the vape industry. We are proud to continue advocating for your right to flavoured smoke free tobacco options!